John E. Sexton and Associates

About Us/ Project EARS

The CARE Project
About Us/ Project EARS
School Audiology Services
HI Teacher Consultative Services
John E. Sexton and Associates In The News
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As the preeminent Educational Audiology Specialist Group in NC, John E. Sexton Associates focuses on the needs of school age children, needs that would otherwise go undetected.

Did you know....

1/1000 Children has severe or profound bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment

2/1000 School-age children have permanent unilateral hearing impairment

4/1000 School-age children have significant speech/language delays associated with a history of recurrent otitis media and conductive hearing impairment

7/1000 Children have mild or moderate bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment

14/1000 Or 1.4% of the school-age population have significant hearing impairment relative to verbal communication, social, and emotional growth, and academic achievement.

Has your school district identified these children?

These figures are courtesy of Noel D Matkin, PH D, The University of Arizona


Project EARS (Education Audiology Rehabilitation Services)

is a program founded by Johnnie Sexton a few years ago as a non-profit foundation for the sole purpose of furthering his desire to create access to services related to hearing challenges for people all around the world.

One of his recent efforts was to take services and equipment to a group of 47 deaf children in an orphanage in Vietnam.

Now, the focus of the foundation's efforts will be on counseling individuals with hearing challenges towards acceptance and how to advocate for themselves and/or their family members in their own lives.


Our Philosophy
Bringing services and access to people with hearing challenges and their communities.

For more information, contact

Johnnie Sexton

John E. Sexton & Associates, Inc.
